MS-8006 Multichannel Spectrum Surveillance System


The WiNRADiO MS-8006 Multichannel Surveillance System is aimed at government, military, security, media monitoring and industrial applications. This system has six independent channels, each covering the frequency range of 150 kHz to 1500 MHz (extensible to 4 GHz).

MS-8006 Multichannel Spectrum Monitoring System

The System provides an ellegant, fully integrated and easily trasportable solution for automated surveillance and monitoring. The received signals can be recorded in a digitized form on the in-built hard disk for easy later retrieval. The recordings are time and date stamped, and also include signal strength information in one-second intervals.

The Hardware

The System is enclosed in a ruggedized industrial-grade 19" rack-mounted enclosure. A high-contrast TFT LCD screen is used for display.

At the heart of the System there are six WR-3150i-DSP receivers which make it possible to achieve the necessary high-level of integration and miniaturization. Extended frequency coverage receivers are available as an option. Each receiver has its own control microprocessor and digital signal processor. The receivers are designed to operate in harsh electromagnetic environment.

The Software

The WiNRADiO MS-8006 Multichannel Monitoring System features an efficient, intuitive user interface not usually available with conventional monitoring systems.

The informative control panel includes many innovative features, designed to empower the user with a multitude of facilities suitable for a wide range of applications ranging from conventional logging and time-schedule recording, to sophisticated, fully automated surveillance missions.

MS-8006 Status Screen

The software allows the user to observe the status of all received channels on a single status screen using virtual "micropanels" for each channel, each of them expandable to a full-size panel with additional facilities.

Each channel allows for independent operation of a high-performance scanning receiver with sophisticated functions such as automatic task scheduler, spectrum scope, signal strength recorder, programmable audio recorder, and many other features.

Technical Specifications

Receiver type PLL-based triple-conversion superheterodyne
Number of channels 6
Frequency range
AM, SSB, FM-N 0.15-1500 MHz
FM-W 30-1500 MHz
Tuning resolution 100 Hz (SSB/CW: 1 Hz)
Image/Spurious Rejection
0.15 - 513 MHz    65dB
798-1500 MHz   60dB
Dynamic range   85dB
Signal meter linearity   ± 5dB
SSB/CW 2.5 kHz @ 6dB
AM 9 kHz @ 6dB
FM-N 15 kHz @ 6dB
FM-W 230 kHz @ 6dB
Frequency stability 10 ppm (0 to 60° C)
Scanning speed
AM,SSB/CW 10 channels/s
FM-N, FM-W 50 channels/s




Mode <0.5 MHz 0.5-1.5 MHz 1.5-30 MHz 30-1000 MHz 1-1.5 GHz
AM n.sp. 5µV 1µV 1µV 1.5µV
SSB n.sp. 0.9µV 0.3µV 0.3µV 0.35µV
FM-N n.sp. 0.9µV 0.35µV 0.35µV 0.4µV
FM-W n.sp.   -   - 1µV 2µV
Intermediate frequencies
f [MHz] IF1 [MHz] IF2 [MHz]
0.15-299.999 556.325 58.075
300-512.999 249.125 58.075
513-797.999 58.075   -
798-1105.999 249.125 58.075
1106-1500 556.325 58.075
Mode IF3 [MHz]
AM,SSB,FM-N 0.455
FM-W 10.7
Antenna input 6 x 50 ohm (BNC connectors)
Audio output 0.2W (8 ohm load)
(internally mixed; separate outputs for each channel also available)
Configuration AMD K6 500MHz, 64Mbyte RAM,
20Gbyte HDD
(other configurations upon request)
Specifications are subject to change without notice.